1950$ CAD 1850$ CAD / $1515 USD $1435 USD
or pay a deposit and the balance 10 weeks prior to dreamcamp
Payment plan available:
- Deposit of $660 USD / 850$ CAD is due upon registration.
- Balance of $ 855 USD / 1100$ CAD is due prior 10 weeks to camp.
- Structured payment plans are possible! Email us to make an arrangement.
Dreamcamp fee includes:
- 6 nights lodging
- All classes and camp activities, including 22 hours of instruction with Aziza and a special guest instructor.
- All meals, snacks and beverages (water, juices, soft drinks and wine)
- Souvenir Dreamcamp T-Shirt
Payment Method:
The best payment method (PayPal, direct bank transfer, etc.) varies by country. Please e-mail us so we can help you make the best arrangement.
Refund Policy:
Your $660 USD / 850$ CAD deposit is non refundable. Transferable one time only to another camp within the same year. Or transferable to an other person.
Payments & Refund Policy:
Your $660 USD / 850$ CAD deposit is non refundable. Transferable one time only.
Conditions and Responsibilities:
Hold Harmless Clause : I assume all risks and hazards incidental to my participation in this retreat, and do hereby waive, release, absolve, indemnify and hold harmless Aziza Dreamcamp and Aziza Raks Productions for any claim arising out of injury to myself (or others) or personal loss.
Assumption of Risk:
I am voluntarily participating in Aziza Dreamcamp with knowledge that it involves some inherent risks and danger.
Acts of God:
Also called “Force Majeure” clauses, relate to events outside human control, Meaning that in this case, Dream camp will be rescheduled to a later date to be announced.
You must be covered by medical insurance that is valid overseas. You are responsible for obtaining travel insurance, including coverage for trip cancellation, loss and theft of baggage, and emergency evacuation. Aziza Dreamcamp cannot be responsible for these expenses.
Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance there under, including without limitation any claim to bodily injury, property damage or death, shall be settled by binding arbitration in Montreal, (Quebec), in accordance with the rules of the Canadian Arbitration Association and Quebec law. This agreement to arbitrate does not waive or modify the liability relates contained in the foregoing paragraph.
Release of Liability:
As a condition of acceptance each participant understands and has agreed to all information above and the following release of liability: I have carefully read the schedule of activities, requirements, the “Conditions and Responsibilities” provided by the brochure, and I am aware that the tour involves the risk of personal injury, death or loss (damage) to property. In consideration of the benefits derived by the trip, I voluntarily recognize and accept all risks thereof. I understand and agree on behalf of myself, my dependents, heirs, executors, and assigns, to release and hold harmless Aziza Dreamcamp Retreats and any of its officers, employees, agents, or representatives, from any and all claims, including but not limited to liability for delays, monetary damages, illness, injuries, death, or for the loss of or damage to property resulting directly or indirectly from any occurrences or conditions. I agree to abide by the conditions set forth under the “Conditions and Responsibilities” and other sections as stated herein or elsewhere published. I affirm that I am covered by medical insurance, which is valid overseas. I affirm that I have not relied on any additional oral or written representation of Aziza Dreamcamp or their suppliers for executing this release. I further acknowledge receipt of this release and I understand and accept its terms and conditions. Any questions I had concerning this release have been answered to my full satisfaction.
Deposit Transfers
Deposit transferable one time only to another camp.
How many dancers will be in the workshops?
There will be a maximum of 20 dancers participating in this unique and intimate event.
Sleeping arrangements
Le Couvant provides both private and shared sleeping arrangements. Please let us know of any personal requirements. We will do our best to accommodate requests.
Can I bring my cell phone?
Yes. There is cell phone reception at the camp, and electricity in each rooms for plugging in your charger. We do encourage you to remember that this is a retreat for you and your fellow campers and ask that you please turn your ringer off during class or other group activities, and return any calls privately.
Can I bring my husband, boyfriend, or kids?
The Aziza Dreamcamp is an opportunity to concentrate fully on yourself and your dancing. Only registered camp participants are invited to attend.
Can we bring our laptop?
You are welcome to bring your laptop for note taking purposes, free wi-fi is available for internet.
Is smoking allowed?
Smoking will be allowed in the designated smoking area ONLY. This will be strictly enforced.
Is their security?
Yes. There will be 24 hour onsite security.
Is there a hospital near?
The nearest hospital Hôpital Laurentien located in Ste-Agathe-des Monts is a 15 minute drive from the camp. There will be a complete first aid kit available on site.
Are we allowed to bring video cameras?
A professional videographer will be filming the classes, performances and highlights of the Dreamcamp. This 10 minute clip will be posted on Azizashimmy channel on Youtube. You may bring a video camera for the purpose of filming the choreography you will learn for the week.
Can we bring candles?
The Dreamcamp property has a no burning candles policy in the rooms. but we will have candles in the dining room only.